In-Office Treatments for Acne

Besides the medications and products we have recommended, we offer the following treatments to improve your acne:

  • Improve and potentially cure your acne with SmoothBeam Laser
  • Put your acne in remission painlessly with Isolaz Treatments
  • Treat your acne scarring with Fraxel Laser, VBeam Laser and Bellafill
  • Lighten dark spots left after pimples heal with Villani Treatments and SkinMedica Peels
  • Clear up pimples faster with HydroFacial MD, Isolaz, Villani Treatments, acne facials and microdermabasion

If you’re tired of trying to hide blemishes with makeup, request a consultation to discuss your acne treatment at our Laguna Niguel clinic, or call us at (949) 363-1788 to schedule an appointment.


A Nationally Recognized Leader

Dr. Lorrie Klein’s rare combination of technical expertise and aesthetic sensibility puts her at the forefront of dermatologists nationwide. Dr. Klein’s reputation for providing natural-looking results is why she’s the choice of women and men from throughout Southern California and beyond.

Meet Dr. Lorrie Klein Request a Consultation

Acne Treatment Options

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment option for acne. Besides the medications and products we recommend, we also offer treatments that can:

  • Cure your acne and improve scarring
  • Lighten the dark spots left after pimples heal
  • Clear up blackheads and whiteheads
  • Produce a long-term remission of your acne

Smoothbeam® Laser

SmoothBeam Laser treatment can clear acne and keep it from returning with just four (4) monthly treatments! It permanently shrinks sebaceous glands, curing acne in some cases.

Isolaz Treatment

Isolaz can clear acne and keep it from returning. Clinical trials show results within 24-48 hours, including reduced redness, drying and smoothing of blemishes. Studies showed up to 88% clearance of acne lesions following 4-6 treatments. Isolaz loosens and extracts blackheads, dirt, and oils that can clog pores. It also destroys bacteria and stimulates sloughing of oils and dead skin cells. There is no down time and the treatment is painless, most often described as the sensation of a warm massage. No numbing is required.

Bellafill Acne Scar Treatment

Bellafill is the first and only FDA-approved permanent filler for acne scars.Dr. Klein is a Bellafill trainer. Skin testing is required.

Spa Treatments-

The following are available at Dr. Klein’s adjacent spa, Euro Day Spa. Call 949-495-4500 to schedule.

HydroFacial MD

HydroFacial MD can help acne, oily skin and clogged pores. Performed at our adjacent spa, its 4-in-1 technology comfortably exfoliates, rejuvenates, improves acne and hydrates skin. It removes dead skin cells and extracts impurities while cleansing, hydrating and moisturizing with no down time! A Gly-Sal peel to resurface skin is included. Additional Blue LED light treatment and blackhead extractions are optional additions.

Villani Treatment™

The Villani Treatment is a revolutionary treatment unlike any other treatment currently available. Utilizing VSMTM, a compound derived from a rare variant of marine sponge, this treatment produces results rivaled only by Accutane, but without the downtime and potential side-effects.  VSMTM improves acne by reducing oil production, accelerating sloughing of the external skin layer, reducing blocked pores, decreasing bacterial accounts and reducing inflammation.

SkinMedica Vitalize Peels

This is the #1 peel sold in the USA. This peel is recommended for mild-to-moderate skin imperfections, including melasma, brown spots, fine lines and acne scars. We also recommend combining these peels with the SkinMedica Lytera System when treating melasma and brown pigmentation. =

Acne facials

Our acne and teen facials, available at Dr. Klein’s spa, Euro Day Spa, focus on deep cleansing and extractions. A skin analysis, steaming, exfoliation, masque, and anti-oxidant treatment are also included with 50 min. facials.


This procedure utilizes sterile aluminum oxide crystals to gently and safely smooth skin irregularities such as acne scars and blemishes. It also helps to remove blackheads and whiteheads. No special preparation is needed and there is zero recovery time. Stronger, medical microdermabrasion is available at our dermatology office.