
A Long-Lasting Solution for Cellulite

Why Cellfina™? cellfina orange county | cellulite treatment laguna niguel

If you have dimpled cellulite on your buttocks and thighs, we now have a long-lasting treatment for you.

The Cellfina™ System is the only FDA-cleared, minimally invasive procedure clinically proven to improve the appearance of cellulite for at least three years – the longest FDA clearance for a cellulite treatment.

Why OC Dermatology?

OC Dermatology is one of the first offices in Orange County to offer this break-through technology which compliments our CoolSculpting and UltraShape fat reduction treatments.

How does Cellfina work?

The Cellfina™ System targets the primary structural cause of cellulite.  By releasing the fibrous septae under the dimpled areas, Cellfina™ can significantly reduce the appearance of cellulite in just a single treatment session.

Cellfina Before and After Photos



*Actual patient of Dr. Klein’s

Click to view more Cellfina Before and After Photos >>

How soon will I see improvements?

Although you will see some results soon after treatment, at one year, 94% of patients were satisfied.  After three years, 96% were still satisfied, surpassing patient satisfaction rates versus other leading cellulite treatments.

How long does the procedure take?

The in-office procedure takes approximately 1 hour, depending on the individual patient and the number of areas being treated.

What can I expect?

  • The dimpled areas will be marked and photos will be taken.
  • A numbing solution will be administered under your skin before the procedure begins to make the procedure more comfortable.
  • There is limited downtime associated with Cellfina™ 
    • After treatment, patients can go about their day but may want to take it easy for up to 24 hours.
    • Bruising is expected.

How should I prepare for my treatment?

Bring a compression garment such as Spanx or tight yoga pants.

To reduce the risk of bruising and swelling, you should avoid aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil), vitamin E, fish oil and similar meds for 1-2 weeks before your treatment.  We recommend Arnica Montana pills for 4 days, starting the night before your treatment to help reduce bruising and swelling.  A strong version is available for purchase at our office.

Schedule a consultation

Want to know if you are a good candidate for Cellfina?  Enjoy a free consultation with our trained specialist. Contact OC Dermatology today! Call (949) 363-1788.